Womens Circle
A gathering of women, for women.
To give women of all seasons of life, a safe space to connect, to share, to heal, to celebrate and to feel empowered.
Drawing upon my own wisdom as woman, mother, daughter, friend, occupational therapist, women’s yoga teacher, I hold space for women to cultivate reverence, by providing time and guidance to connect with oneself, to share what is your truth and to be witnessed exactly as you are.
I truely believe when women gather together we have the ability to weave magic into our lives.
Circle can be profoundly transformative yet can be a a vulnerable experience.
What is a women’s circle?
Circle is a non hierarchical place to exist where we are all teachers and students, and all learning from each other. It is a cross cultural and ancient practice to bring women together, to nourish the body, mind and soul. Circle is a space free of judgement, competition, expectation, pressure and advice giving.
What can you expect when participating in a women’s circle?
When you arrive expect to immediately feel the potency of circle with a warm, welcoming and beautiful environment. Herbal teas and light refreshments are offered at the start to help women connect with each other and help with the transition from busy life to a sacred space. Women are welcomed to be exactly who they are, to come as they are, to be seen, heard, held and witnessed.
The circle journey, will provide time to go inwards through a guided meditation, guided embodiment, and or a creative process. Circle practices are dependent on a chosen them of the circle with time woven in for self reflection, journalling, and sharing. You can expect the feeling of sisterhood, to really see women as themselves, and to share in that space together. a non-judgemental space to share anything that might be rising for them in their own personal lives
What are the guidelines around circle?
At the beginning of each circle I will talk about the guidelines of what circle is and how to hold space with respect.
It is sometimes helpful to know what these guidelines are prior to stepping into circle so you understand the expectations of each person attending. These are the some of the guidelines I will always speak of to ensure circle maintains a place of respect and kindness.
We gather in circle as a container of safety, to join together and hold space for one another.
Who ever holds the talking piece is the one speaking. When someone is speaking listen with an open heart and without judgement or comment.
What is shared in circle stays in circle, you may share your own experience with a loved one but no-one else’s stories are to be shared.
Speak from the heart, your truth and your experience.
Be present with your self and with each other - When sharing trust you will know what to say with no need to to rehearse.
Say just enough without feeling rushed and be considerate of the time of others.
Circle is a container to feel safe in, to show vulnerability and be witnessed in its power, at times it might feel uncomfortable but try and sit with what surfaces, observe it and listen to your inner voice.
What are the benefits of Women’c Circle?
In circle women feel seen, safe, heard, held and witnessed. The circle is non-hierarchical whereby everybody’s input holds equal importance. It fosters listening to and learning from every participant. Circle is a journey of self discovery, which can help to lower stress, decreases loneliness, improve self-esteem and prioritise self care.
Practices aimed at relaxation and guided meditation or even from a good old release cry, circle can help to lower the stress hormone cortisol. Research also shows when we support, nurture and nourish others, endorphins are released in the brain, giving us a natural high.
Above all, we as humans need deep, honest and real connection with others. Many studies have confirmed the value and benefits of having quality relationships with other people. Evidence also confirms that good connections and social support can even improve health and increase longevity.
When women participate in circle it allows women to draw from and refill their own “well of wisdom” that is female knowledge and intuition. Women are creators by nature. The feminine energy within us creates boundless opportunities for creativity in various forms.
"A circle of women may just be
the most powerful force known to humanity.
If you have one, embrace it.
If you need one, seek it.
If you find one, for the love of all
that is good and holy, dive in.
Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked.
Let them see you. Let them hold you.
Let your reluctant tears fall.
Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle.
You will be changed.
The very fabric of your being
will be altered by this, if you allow it.
Please, please allow it."
~ Jeanette LeBlanc